Here's a photo of the West Frankfort High School, which has been around for generations. I might use it as a unifying factor in the collage.
A tooth logo that sort of looks like a badge. My grandpa was a military dentist during WW2, so I'd like to represent that with a couple of images.
Logo from my home town high school.
A series of wallpaper samples from different generations.
These two would be kind of a play on my grandma's "neat" generation of being clean and proper.
Some stock fashions from the 50's and 70's. I will probably cut and paste the elements I want to represent my family members.
Just a little thing, but my mother had a Doberman Pincher when she was growing up that she was very attached to.
One unifying thing that almost every generation of my family was fond of was simply "dragging maine" on the weekend. I may use this as the key focus of the collage.
Two possible ideas with an event that happened during my great-grandfather's time: a large tornado passing through the area.
very interesting collection. I wish there were m ore photos but appreciate the diversity of your selections and learned a little bit about your family as well!